For the last couple months the SciCrop team has been busy getting prepared for events and contests in which our main goal is to present our project and ideas and share knowledge with new people. It has been a great time to learn and improve our speech between pitches presentations and marathons of mentoring. In the meantime, we’re proud to be announced as winners at some of the events we participated and presented our project, and happy to see that SciCrop is an idea shared by so many others!
SciCrop’s Pitch @ Campus Party Recife 2015 Startup 306SciCrop’s Picth @ Sustainable Brands RIO 2015 (we got 1st place as Judges’ choice!)SciCrop’s Picth @ Baanko Challenge Sao Paulo in association with United Nations Millennium Development Goals (we got 2nd place as Judges’ Choice)
For more information about the events and contests, follow the links: SB’15 Rio, Startup360 @ CpBR, Baanko Challenge SP 15